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Kindergarten Math – Number Operations and Counting

Clip 6/6: Lesson Number Operations Part F


Tracy Sola summarizes the lesson, reminding the students of their various problems, eliciting their ideas about the quantities, and thanking them for their good work during the lesson.

Teacher Commentary

In another district I work with, they wanted to do professional development on Problems of the Month three weeks into this new school year, and they wanted me to do that for kindergartners. So, I asked whether they had a teacher who would be willing to let me come in and do the problem with some beginning-of-the-year kindergarteners so I could collect some student work.

One teacher volunteered, and I told her what I had in mind. It was the same thing as “Squirreling It Away:” take five, give one away. She said, “Oh boy, you know, that's not good for this time of year. And not only that, we have two children who are newcomers who speak not a word of English. But you're still welcome to stay today if you want.” I said, “Sure, let's just try,” so we did it much like this lesson: We gave some away to friends and, I think, we drew some pictures so I could take something back with me.

She said, “Oh, sorry, it didn't go very well, but it seemed like they had fun. And I said, “Great.” I left with my artifacts and when I came back three weeks later for the PTA, she rushed up to me and she said those kids have not stopped playing this game. They play it in the classroom. They play it out on the yard. They have five things and they give one away, and they ask each other, “How many?” to laugh. They pretend they're all animals, and have constructed so many scenarios around this idea. She said, “I didn't realize how engaging it was until they ran with it."

Materials & Artifacts