Corequisite Supports
While there are many versions of corequisite support, the broad definition refers to the placing of students who have been designated as “underprepared” directly into grade-level courses and providing necessary just-in-time supports. This is accomplished by strategically connecting prerequisite content to new learning, helping students effectively engage with the grade-level coursework.
The following tools were developed to support educators in planning to provide all students with access to rigorous math content.
Standards Snapshot Tool
This tool can be used to identify standards that may not have been addressed to adequate depth, resulting in unfinished learning.
Transparency when communicating virtually about what was adequately addressed each year and what may have had to be truncated due to unforeseen issues is the only way to ensure that successful supports can be pre-planned at appropriate moments in the year.
Download the blank Standards Snapshot Tool.
Forward Planning Tool
This tool can be used to provide just-in-time corequisite support to students by connecting prerequisite standards or concepts – with known unfinished learning – to future grade level standards.
For example, if the classroom teacher knows that in 6th grade that students were not exposed to using variable to represent numbers and write expressions (6.EE.B.6), the teacher may want to stop and reteach this in 7th, 8th and/or HS. Instead, the teacher could provide supports when facing on-grade-level connected standards such as 7.EE.B.4, using variables to represent quantities in equations and inequalities or HS.A-CED.A.1, creating equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems.
Download the blank Forward Planning Tool, as well as 3 examples of how this tool can be used: 4th to 5th grade forward planning, 6th to 7th grade forward planning, and 8th to 9th grade forward planning.